Living in the Moment

“The moment is everything. Don’t think about tomorrow; don’t think about yesterday: think about exactly what you’re doing right now and live it and dance it and breathe it and be it.” — Wendy Whelan

When I was in undergrad at what was then West Georgia College, I got in the habit of saying, “Happy to be here” when the professor called the roll. I was genuinely happy to be in college in my classes. Maybe not accounting, but for the most part, I enjoyed my time in college. If my dad were alive, he would tell you I had too much fun which is why he financially severed ties with me at the end of my Junior year of college. I was on my own. I was still happy to be there, but working three jobs was hard.

I am a mother now. Some days are hard. The days aren’t hard because my son is difficult. He’s not. He is a typical eleven-year-old boy. He loves video games, anime, martial arts, football, and futbol. What is hard is being present for him when there are nights I would like to sit and watch videos on how to use a new tech tool or work on my blog that has been neglected for too long or reach out on social media and share ideas with my people. I am trying to find that what seems to be that elusive work life balance that so many talk about often. How do you find time to do for your child, yourself, and your job? I have not yet figured it out. I really want to. I have this need to be the best, and I am not feeling like the best right now. Right now I want to learn how to use Unity, Unreal Engine, Vex Robots, and regularly blog. I also want to finish my Google Coaching certification, get our eSports program off the ground, and be mom to the son I spent years praying for, and he’s finally here and is the biggest blessing in my life. I also want to watch movies with my son. He had to read Tuck Everlasting for his summer reading assignment. Of course, we have to watch the movie. I also can’t wait to sit in the stands and cheer for him as he plays football this fall, followed by wrestling season, and then he will start his first season as a soccer player. I want to go to different ice cream shops and eat ice cream. I want to continue our Mother/Son Date Nights and listen to him talk about sixth grade boy/girl drama.

How do I do all of this and live in the moment? I prioritize. I bought a lovely orange journal earlier this year so that I could get back into bullet journaling. I was pretty busy at the end of the year, and I am currently seven weeks post op for rotator cuff surgery. I haven’t yet set up my journal, but I must. I have to so that I can list the things I have to do, want to do, and keep up with Clark’s schedule. Unity, Unreal Engine, robotics, and eSports are my current interests. I am also interested in why there is such a pushback on technology usage in classrooms across the country post COVID. Technology isn’t going anywhere, and our children need to know how to be responsible digital citizens if they are to be college and career ready. Taking technology away from the digital natives is a lot like trying to squeeze toothpaste back into the tube. It’s not possible nor really feasible. Just like I am looking for the work/life balance, we need to find the effective technology use balance for the sake of our students. It can be done. We just have to work together to find a solution.

I think I am so passionate about my new interests is because I know that we can engage our students with these tools AND prepare them for life after high school. I want to be in the moment as we expose our students to new possibilities. I want to be present when they discover that they are capable of doing more than they thought. I want to be present for my son as he learns to navigate middle school at a new school with one former classmate and a friend from his karate studio. All the rest of his elementary friends are going elsewhere for middle school. I want to be present as I navigate my EdS in Instructional Technology Media and Design. I have been in my current position for ten years. I love what I do, but to be honest, I really thought that by now, I would be a building administrator. I have interviewed since 2011 for different positions and did not get a single offer. I decided earlier this year to stop putting myself through the torture and embrace where I am. It hurt to be rejected over and over again. I know I would make a great building administrator, but I can’t make others see what I see. I will be in the moment in the job I have and not worry about what didn’t happen or what may not happen in the future. I have a job. I am good at my job. I have a son. I am a good mother even though I don’t feed him enough vegetables. I am an excellent student (undergrad doesn’t count), and I am a lifelong learner.

My moment is now. I will live each day, cherish each day, learn from each day, and when I put my head down in the recliner (still not able to sleep in my bed because rotator cuff surgery is no joke), I will be able to say that I lived the best possible day for that day. Tomorrow is always another day.

I did AVID training this summer in Orlando. My nephew was kind enough to drive us down there, and we were able to have dinner with Josh and CoCo. They run a non profit that allows first time adoptive families to experience Walt Disney World at no cost. Clark and I were the recipients of a trip in January 22. Adventure Is Out There does so much for so many people.

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